V rámci projektu Edison a ve spolupráci s Aiesec v Plzni měli studenti naší školy opět možnost naslouchat, debatovat a pracovat se stážisty ze sedmi různých zemí světa - letos jsme se stali hostiteli dívek z Thajska a Gruzie, mladých mužů z Indonésie, Malajsie, Brazílie, Tuniska a Egypta. Pro naše studenty to byla zkušenost zajímavá a přínosná, nejen z hlediska kulturního, ale i jazykového. Angličtina sloužila jako lingua franca.
Zvláštní poděkování patří studentům a jejich rodinám, kteří se s radostí ujali role hostitelů a přijali je do svých domovů. Díky nim naši hosté ochutnali leccos dobrého z české kuchyně, vyzkoušeli poprvé v životě lyžování, prošli se zasněženou českou krajinou apod. Věříme, že navázaná přátelství vytrvají. Děkujeme Anně Marii Mikulecké ze 3B, Kateřině Černé z OkA, Dianě Matviyukové ze 4B, Josefu Gužíkovi ze SA a Filipu Muchkovi ze 4A.
Přikládáme jejich vzpomínky a postřehy:
Meeting Jensiri was a very rich experience to me. The main advantage of her stay at my home was surely the communication in English. I had been a little nervous about it, but when she arrived in Klatovy, her smile persuaded me that she would be a nice and friendly girl and yes, she was. Another useful thing is that she introduced me to her home country (Thailand), which opened me some new horizons. After Jensiri left Klatovy, I found a letter of thanks which she had written to us and left it on the table. I was surprised of how we became friends in such a short time. Thank you all who made this occasion possible.
Kateřina Černá, OkAMe and my siblings played with Mafasa a typical game from Indonesia. It was a very good and interesting game. He said that he had learned it from his granny. We had a lot of fun.
Anna Marie Mikulecká, 3BI couldn't have asked for a better person to put up. After a week I feel like I have not only a new friend but almost a new sister. We had so much fun together. I tried to show her everything our little town and my village have to offer. I am so glad for this experience. I am glad that I had the chance to meet these amazing people - Diana, Eslam, Sugee, Fasa, Badra, André and Jensiri. I miss them all already.
Diana Matviyuková, 4B
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