Gymnázium Jaroslava Vrchlického Klatovy : PROJEKT EDISON + PROJEKT GLOBAL VILLAGE

Výborné výsledky
Přední místa v celostátních hodnoceních středních škol, výborné výsledky studentů u státní maturity
Progresivní škola
Intenzivní zavádění tabletů a moderních technologií do výuky, výuka informatiky a volitelně i programování
Výuka cizích jazyků
Pestrost nabídky, mezinárodní jazykové zkoušky, zahraniční exkurze
Příprava na všechny typy vysokých škol, profilace studentů pomocí široké palety volitelných předmětů
Bohaté kulturní a sportovní aktivity studentů, aktivní školní klub
Sport a tělesná výchova
Třída pro aktivní sportovce, kvalitní vnitřní a vnější sportoviště
Proč jít studovat na gymnázium


Klatovy Šumava


Ve dnech 22. a 24. 2. 2012 naši školu navštívilo sedm zahraničních studentů. Zajímavým způsobem představili své země (Estonsko, Indonésie, Arménie, Turecko, Taiwan, Ukrajina, Kamerun). Prostředkem komunikace byla angličtina.

The Edison programme, unlike geography lessons, permits the country to stand in a third dimension. It suddenly turns from an abstract concept into a concrete form and thus more understandable. Also the fact that one presents his own country gives him a chance to prevent the stereotypes from spreading around. For once we let the country speak for itself. And none of this would be possible if there was not English to enable the transfer of information: finally to be seen the meaning of words an international language.

Kateřina Raisová, septima A

22. 2. 2012 was a special day and not only because of melting snow. Two young, nice and English-speaking students visited our class to liberate us from our Maths and Physics lessons. No, their names were not Che or Fidel and their political affiliation remained shrouded. Nevertheless, they informed us about their countries and cultures. Great effort and preparation was seen in their presentations. Marianne, a university student from Estonia, told us that Estonia suffered from the Soviet occupation during the 20th century, but nowadays it is a fresh, ambitious country with a great education system and wi-fi connection nearly everywhere. The other guest was from Indonesia and his enthusiasm was astonishing. He enlightened us on the cultural and religious situation in his country, where plenty of religions have lived together for centuries. They were both happy with their stay in the Czech Republic, only the Indonesian visitor complained about the weather. Great programme and great variegation.

Štěpán Košan, kvarta B

On Friday 24 February we took part in the project called The Global Village. Do you know what this project is? Have you ever heard of it? Our school was visited by a group of seven students (five girls and two boys) from seven different countries (Turkey, Ukraine, Estonia, Armenia, Taiwan, Cameroon and Indonesia). In one classroom we could learn about and meet with seven different cultures and nationalities. We had only one thing in common with our visitors. For all of us English is not our mother tongue, but we are able to use it for communication. In this way we could find out a lot of new information and interesting facts about their motherlands and their lives. We could see Ukrainian, Indonesian and Cameroonian national costumes or taste their traditional food. Of course, we introduced the Czech Republic to our guests, too. In my view, this project was an extraordinary experience and an interesting opportunity to try and improve our skills in English or to make some new (pen) friends.

Kateřina Svobodová, sexta B