Díky spolupráci s plzeňskou organizací AIESEC naši školu navštívilo osm stážistů z různých koutů světa – Kolumbie, Japonska, Korey, Číny, Estonska, Ukrajiny, Pákistánu a Taiwanu. Představili svou zem, její kulturu, historii atd. Jejich působení bylo vítaným zpestřením výuky, obohacující kulturní zkušeností, prověřením jazykových dovedností. Mnozí studenti navázali nová přátelství.
Velký dík patří studentům a jejich rodičům, kteří přijali naše hosty do svých domovů a stali se na týden jejich českou rodinou. Této role se výborně ujali Kristýna Lesná OkA, Eva Šrámková OkA, Eva Hajčiarová SpB, Klára Eöllösová SpB, Martin Kozel 3A, Zuzana Kloudová 1A, Anička Votýpková SpA a též náš kolega Jiří Chvojka.
Pro zajímavost uvádíme několik postřehů od letošních hostitelů a fotografie z Global village:
After a week spent with my Estonian guest Dagny, I feel that the only barrier to understanding each other I can think of remains the difference between our languages. While talking in English there is no such barrier at all. To realise this was a great benefit to me and my family.
Eva Šrámková, OkA
As a host, for me those past seven days were quite overwhelming. Your task is to take someone new under your roof, live with them, get to know them, in most cases even become friends, and then, as if you didn't expect this, they have to leave and suddenly, probably the hardest task is letting them go. Because getting to know their culture and life style, or spending time with them is the easy part.
Kristýna Lesná, OkA
My family put up one Chinese student, Cheryl. She was a very nice and polite girl, smiling most of the time. We spoke with her about everything during the evenings and she nearly became a real part of our family. When she left, my father said: "So, our fourth child left us."
Eva Hajčiarová, SpB
One of my best weeks in my life, I have improved my English a lot and I really enjoyed being a host to a Colombian. It gave me a lot of experience.
Martin Kozel, 3A
I am glad that I took part in the Edison project, because it was a really good opportunity to improve not just my English, but also it was a new chance to use English for my parents. I think that we learnt a lot about Japanese culture and we gave some new facts to our Japanese friend about our Czech and European culture, too. I would like to take part in this project next year again.
Klára Eöllösová, SpB