Jsme velice rádi, že pan profesor přijal pozvání a že jsme měli příležitost naslouchat jeho zasvěcenému „vyprávění“ o Shakespearově díle, o tragickém v komediích – komickém v tragédiích. Strávili jsme krásné dubnové dopoledne v příjemném prostředí klatovské radnice. Student kvinty B Štěpán Košan o této události napsal:
On 18April we had an opportunity to attend a brilliant lecture given by professor Hilský, who has devoted part of his professional life to Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s era and creations. He was so kind and accepted the invitation to our town. The name of the lecture reflected the whole idea of Shakespeare’s work, “Tragic in comedies, comic in tragedies“.
We realised that Shakespeare had perceived the world as a heterogeneous sphere, not just a black and white folding picture. He intended to cross themes and topics, so his plays would always be more than just a comedy or just a tragedy. Mr. Hilský used multiple examples of such a “blended“play. His knowledge was truly astonishing. As much as his mastery of Shakespeare is inspiring, his understanding of the period of Renaissance is more than stunning as well. Since he has translated Shakespeare's writing, his comprehension of Shakespeare's thoughts is far better than ours, however, he is still able to transfer the most important ideas to us without being incomprehensible. Even if you were not interested in this topic, Mr. Hilský's personality is worth experiencing live!