Díky spolupráci s plzeňskou organizací AIESEC naši školu navštívilo šest stážistů z různých koutů světa – Číny, Peru, Gruzie, Turecka, Indie a Iránu. Představili svou zem, její kulturu, historii. Jejich působení bylo vítaným zpestřením výuky, obohacující kulturní zkušeností, prověřením jazykových dovedností. Mnozí studenti navázali nová přátelství.
Naši studenti provedli hosty městem, ukázali jim místní zajímavosti, navštívili s nimi klatovské katakomby a radnici. Společně trávili i volný čas.
Velký dík patří studentům a jejich rodičům, kteří přijali naše hosty do svých domovů a stali se na týden jejich českou rodinou. Této role se výborně ujali Tereza Schusterová (4A), Martin Kozel (4A), Pavlína Makrlíková (3A), Petr Bouberle (3A), Zuzana Brůhová (3B) a Karolína Struhárová (2A).Pro zajímavost uvádíme několik postřehů od letošních hostitelů a též fotografie z této události:
I didn't know that I can start loving somebody so quickly. I miss them so much. I'm really looking forward to seeing them again. Hope it will be as soon as possible. (Martin Kozel)
I personally consider the week with our foreign students very beneficial and successful but also very demanding. I think it was hard for both sides, for us hosts and for our foreign guests, too, because they had to be always well prepared for every lesson at school. After school in our free time we tried to offer some various programmes for them. We tried to spend most of our time together to get to know each other. We had an opportunity to speak English the whole week, which I regard as a big advantage for us. We could get a lot of information about their country, life and also about the project. I find this week spent with foreign students as a big experience which doesn’t arise every day. (Tereza Schusterová)
Last week I hosted Oscar, a twenty-six-year-old Peruvian student and also a member of the Edison project, which is the reason why he visited our school. It was an amazing week and I enjoyed it a lot. Oscar is a really polite person, I never had any problem with him. As he is interested in discovering new cultures, he often asked me about the Czech Republic. Sometimes it was quite funny because for example I found it quite difficult to explain the way Czech bread is produced. We had lots of fun, like testing a water slide in the local swimming pool or a great Friday party in Klatovy. I am looking forward to meeting with Oscar again. (Petr Bouberle)
Last week was really amazing! We all had a lot of fun together and we became good friends. I think it's pretty cool and nice having friends from all over the world. It was great experience not only for me, but even for my family. Hosting a guy from India was such a big opportunity to learn about different culture and people. I will never forget these days spent with stomach cramps because of laughing and I hope we will see each other someday in the future. (K. Struhárová)
This project was such a great experience for me and also my family. We learned a lot about my guest‘s culture and I improved my English a little bit. I made some very good friends and I miss them now. My parents got to know my guest’s culture, as I said earlier, and they are looking forward to next year to host another foreigner. I hosted a girl from Iran, who I love and will meet her again. She inspired me because she travelled into a foreign country such as the Czech Republic and also paid for this herself. Last week was amazing and I am thinking about hosting another girl next year. (Zuzana Brůhová)
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